Risk factors for lower respiratory tract infections in children | Silfeler | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Old Website

Risk factors for lower respiratory tract infections in children

Ibrahim Silfeler, Ibrahim Cansaran Tanidir, Vefik Arica


Objectives: Acute respiratory tract infections are divided into two groups as upper and lower respiratory tract infections. These are very common diseases in childhood. In this study, we aimed to determine risk factors for lower respiratory tract in this region.

Methodology: Three hundred and fifty children who presented at pediatric polyclinics of our hospital were included in our study. Their examinations, backgrounds, family histories and information about environmental factors were recorded in questionnaire forms.

Results: Lack of vaccination, duration of breastfeeding, onset age of cow’s milk, family history for asthma and food allergy, number of hospitalized people in the same room, number of people who live in same house and smoking around the children were evaluated for the presence of LRTI, and LRTI risks of these factors were respectively observed as 1.69, 1.71, 1.61, 1.69, 1.20, 1.47, 1.56 and 2.63 fold increased.

Conclusion: Standardization of clinical diagnosis, accurate and realistic use of antibiotics, correction of nutrition, improvement of socio-economic situation and the elimination of environmental factors will significantly reduce morbidity and mortality in children due to Lower Respiratory Infections.

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