The panacea toolbox of a PhD biomedical student | Skaik | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Old Website

The panacea toolbox of a PhD biomedical student

Younis Skaik


Doing a PhD (doctor of philosophy) for the sake of contribution to knowledge should give the student an immense enthusiasm through the PhD period. It is the time in one’s life that one spends to “hit the nail on the head” in a specific area and topic of interest. A PhD consists mostly of hard work and tenacity; however, luck and genius might also play a little role. You can pass all PhD phases without having both luck and genius. The PhD student should have pre-PhD and PhD toolboxes, which are “sine quibus non” for getting successfully a PhD degree. In this manuscript, the toolboxes of the PhD student are discussed.


How to cite this:Younis Skaik. The panacea toolbox of a PhD biomedical student. Pak J Med Sci 2014;30(6):1420-1421.   doi:

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